Calling all MSPA Members!! 

Have you uploaded the new MSPA logo onto your website, business cards and literature?

This is a great time to update, as we have been re-named The Mystery Shopping Professionals Association, which is much more inclusive to your clients and associates. 

Does your MSPA logo look like this?;


If not, here are some easy steps on how to access the correct logo.

Log into the MSPA site;

Then log into the member area on the top right, (there is a forgotten password link if you need it).

Here is an image of the Member’s area;

Click onto  ‘Downloads’,  and then look for ‘MSPA Member logos’;

Click on the link ‘MSPA Europe/Africa – General logos to use’

This will download as a zip file


The correct logo to use is one of the top three;



The logo can now be uploaded to your site, and will be up to date!

Helion Research